Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome to a New Month

To kick off September, I want to share with you the results of a survey taken by Trulia Real Estate, one of the top real estate info website. This survey and article addresses a lot of people's concerns with investing in the market today and give insight on what a buyer can do to prepare yourself to take the plunge and buy a home.

"Trulia recently hosted a quarterly conference call to discuss the results of our American Dream study on attitudes towards home ownership. According to the study, of those renters who do plan to purchase someday, 68 percent said it would be more than two years before they do. This reluctance to buy could potentially drag out the real estate market’s recovery timeline further than many have predicted.

However, in the same study we learned a few things renters said would make them buy sooner. So, if you have any renters on the fence, here are some signs that they may be ready to buy:

Save for the down payment: Almost half of the respondents said they would be ready to purchase sooner than later, if they could only come up with the cash for a down payment. This may be a great time to do a buyers seminar about financing or local down payment assistance programs.
Get a new job: Almost 30% agreed that a new job could be enough of a push to buy a home and stop renting.
Other Factors: Several factors were cited by buyers as things that would push them off the fence to buy a home sooner than they had otherwise planned and are included in the full study.
Also included in the study are easy to understand graphics that you can include in your listing or buyer presentations to share what is going on in the real estate market today. For example, the study also found that 91% Americans’ ideal home size is less than you'd expect."

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